Providing Support When You Need It Most
Serving the Seattle Area
As your Postpartum Doula, it is my desire to provide non-judgmental and encouraging support to you and each member of your family. During my visits I offer:
Suggestions for the whole family to bond with the newborn, including for the birth parent, non-birth parent, adoptive families and surrogate-assisted families.
Support of existing family routines
Help with newborn care
Breastfeeding or bottle feeding support
Compassion and encouragement
A listening ear to process your birth story and postpartum experience
Sleep suggestions for baby and family
Help creating a recovery nest for birth parent
Nurturing support for all, including those with prolonged birth recovery
Accompaniment to doctors appointments if needed (helpful with multiples)
Care for older children in the home
Errand running to grocery store or pharmacy
Light household tasks
Meal and snack prep
Help with the family pet (feeding and walking if needed)
Community referrals
Rest and naps for birth parent
Space for self care for birth parent
One on one time for parents and older sibling(s).
I do not give medical advice and will refer to other specialists when necessary.